
An Eyebrow Investigation

Everything about eyebrows eludes me.  What their purpose is, how to pluck them, appreciate them, etc, etc, etc.  I have never failed to mess mine up.  I even have a permanent eyebrow regret!  As a child, I was impatiently  rushing to dinner on three separate occasions, and, upon rounding a bend, slammed right into the pointy, corner of the wall.  One may think I learned patience and therefore benefited from this episode.  But did I?  No.  The only result was a slightly dented skull and unruly right eyebrow.  Today, I have decided, is the day I shall begin a quest to make peace with me ‘brows.  Doing some research, I found an Eyebrow Wikipedia page that gave me some good information.

I discovered that nobody really knows what eyebrows are for.  However, there are a few reputable theories.  The one that hits home with me the most, is that eyebrows prevent moisture from running into the eye.  It made me have a total change of heart about mine.  Tennis, played in a hot, indoor court, has taught me that stuff running into one’s eye, blinds, stings and burns.  A lot.  The gratitude from my eyeballs is real.  The ‘brows are taking one for the team.

Another interesting point that I failed to consider, was that eyebrows are a main key to facial expressions.  Until reading about this, it honestly never occurred to me that I actually use and think about my eyebrows all the time!  I have a hard time keeping them under control.  I’m always thinking like “oh yikes dude I wish they hadn’t done that”.  They’re always jumping all over the place.  I also realized I look at eyebrows all the time, and have been frequently, since I started attending public high school.  Most of my life I’ve spent looking at familiar eyebrows.

I’m not sure where this all leaves me, but I do have a greater appreciation of eyebrows.  A deeper understanding.  I do feel a tiny bit scared of mine at the moment, just because I’ve never thought about them before in this sort of way.  I’m going to have to take some time to reflect on all of these things.